Larry Page

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Who was Larry Page?

Larry Page was born March 26th, 1973 in East Lansing, Michigan. After his primary years Page went on to graduate from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering in 1995.Page also attended Stanford University and earned a Masters of Science in Computer Science in 1998. While taking his Computer Science class at Stanford, Larry came across an interesting idea for his dissertation. Larry wanted to make the world wide web more accessible, and his idea to doing so was ingenious. At the time of Larry's studies, the most popular web browser was Yahoo!, followed by others such as Lycos and Ask Jeeves. These browsers were of course integral in searching the internet at this time, and functioned well enough, but Larry thought they could be improved, massively. Larry's plan was to try and maximize search results by using all possible content provided by a website. This would make finding exactly what you're looking for much easier. With support from his supervisor, and help from his friend Sergey Brin, they launched project BackRub, which would go on to become Google. Google has not only become the most used web browser internationally, but has also become one of the leading companies in the field of computer science advancement. Google is currently the third biggest company in the United States.

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